Not all headhunters are skilled enough to land you a job. Not all recruitment firms have the right clients to help candidates move up the management ladder. That said, most hospitality candidates do not learn this until they have invested a few months trying to find a job with no results.
There are ways to help you pick a good recruiter.
Look for a Specialist
Geckohospitality works within the hospitality industry and specializes in restaurant management recruitment. They successfully place people across the hospitality industry in hotels, casinos, resorts, kitchens, and other management positions. But if you want to break through the ceiling and land a dream restaurant management job, then Geckohospitality is the recruitment firm you want to work with.

Explore Their Website
It is also important to ask how long they have been in business. How can you know this? It is easy to find out if a recruiter is telling the truth when it comes to the length of time they have been in business.
WAYBACK is an online tool that tells you how long a website has been live on the web, and how many times it has been revised. A good marketing company will change their website every 2 – 5 years. Wayback will show you some of the edits.
Recruiters are marketers. If they cannot market themselves then they cannot market you. Click on the ‘dates’ on the WAYBACK page and check out the ‘cached’ pages. Are the graphics good? Is the site improving over time? Does the site look professional? Check up on the recruiter.
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Customer Service
A successful recruiter answers all calls and returns messages. Successful professionals know that their next opportunity may appear from the most unlikely source. ‘Hunting’ is a mindset. A recruiter cannot be passive, and dismissive, and still, find the ‘dream job’ prospect that perfectly matches their candidate’s qualifications.
Listen, Listen, Listen
Is the recruiter doing all the talking or all the listening? Do you really want to work with a recruiter who spends all their time selling themselves without finding out if you are a valuable candidate they can market successfully?
They should be learning everything about you. Yes, you will need to fill out a form, and maybe post a resume, but don’t wait too long to see if they will help you. If you don’t hear back from them then maybe your skillset, experience, or education level doesn’t match their specialty. Don’t drop them without trying to talk with them 2 or 3 times, but if they are non-responsive then start looking elsewhere.
That said, there are a few things recruiters hate seeing. The biggest is a person who jobs hops or has only been at their current job for less than one year. Second, on the list of things that are hard to market are people who are not always upgrading their qualifications. There is no excuse for not continuing your education in today’s world of online courses, workshops, annual conferences, and continuing education opportunities.
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- How to be More Employable In 2021 & Beyond
- 6 Courses That Can Help You Become A Better Innovator
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- How to Find a Career Coach That Is Right for You
- Six Morning Habits of High Performers
Are They Abrupt? That Might Be a Good Thing for Your Career
Are they asking hard questions? Do you hang up the phone, or leave the office feeling tired and a little emotionally abused? Good. It means they are asking the hard questions. They are looking for information that will help you land a job.
For recruitment firms, reputation is everything. Their success depends on placing the right candidates in the right jobs. If they are not interested in who you are, your strengths and weaknesses, then they may not be the right recruiting firm for you.
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