How to improve your negotiation skills

If you’ve been a salesperson for some time, you may already know how challenging it can be to make a deal. Perhaps you’re getting high-potential leads but fail to convince them to purchase your products. Part of the problem might be your negotiation skills.

Without proper and sufficient persuasion, you’ll lose many potential customers to competitors. Naturally, customers want to be convinced that they’re spending cash on something worthwhile. So, you must improve your negotiation skills to make the desired sales and profits. Below are some actionable tips to help you:

How to improve your negotiation skills

1- Prepare

Starting a sales pitch blindly isn’t wise. You must prepare adequately before approaching a potential customer. First and foremost, understand your product features in and out so you can clearly explain how it works. 

Remember, a typical customer will ask dozens of questions, and you must know how to answer them. For instance, if you’re trying to convince somebody to hire your agency, it pays to have an agency interview checklist to get an idea of the questions the prospect will ask you. Arming yourself this way goes a long way to assure the customer that you’re the right company to work with.

2- Know Your Customer

Never approach a customer without a thorough background check of their typical demographic and psychographic characteristics. At a minimum, ensure you know their:

  • Age
  • Income level
  • Area of residence
  • Religious beliefs
  • Cultural beliefs
  • Pain points
  • Name

These details significantly influence your sales pitch design. For instance, knowing your customer’s culture ensures you don’t sell them a product they usually don’t use. Moreover, you’ll avoid mentioning controversial issues in your conversation. 

3- Show Empathy

Your goal may be to make a sale, but it shouldn’t obsess you to the point that you forget your prospect’s emotional needs. Typically, your customer wants to solve a problem or two in their home or business life. Step into their shoes and visualize the pain they might be going through. Speak in a manner that displays genuine concern for their worries.

You connect emotionally with them, which may positively influence their purchase decision. Otherwise, appearing unconcerned about your customers’ affairs may be a huge turn-off, and they may decline your proposal.

How to improve your negotiation skills

4- Train And Practice

Negotiation is innate in some people, and they just seem to excel at it, regardless of whether they’ve undergone training. If you’re not this type of person, you may want to enroll in a professional course to improve your negotiation skills as a salesperson. You’ll learn some best practices under the guidance of sales gurus. 

Besides, try practicing and perfecting your negotiation skills. You can simulate real-life scenarios with your coursemates and develop sales pitches. Do it until you’re confident enough to face real customers.

5- Exercise Patience

Sales professionals meet all kinds of characters, and your case won’t be any different. While some prospects may be respectful, others will be rude, abusive, and intolerant. Your behavior in such circumstances defines your fit for the job. Don’t be the guy to throw in the towel at the slightest rude remark. Be patient and focus on your goal of winning the customer. You’ll be surprised how easy it can be to turn the hardest of hearts into loyal customers.

6- Create A Good Rapport

You must master how to start conversations. Generally, it might be ineffective going straight into the product. Spend a minute or two speaking about something the customer might find interesting. It helps to break the ice and get you two into a talking mood. Then, introduce yourself and the product. 

In this regard, you may want to improve your communication and other interpersonal skills. Learn to smile despite the hardships or disappointments you may be facing. It helps create an energetic atmosphere, which is critical in persuading customers. Additionally, mind your outfits and body appearance. Dress in a manner that exudes confidence, as the first impression determines how the customer will perceive you.

7- Be Flexible

Every sales pitch has two possible outcomes; Yes or No. When a customer says No to your proposal, you must be flexible enough to give them alternatives instead of counting the deal all gone. It requires fast thinking. Assess the customer’s responses from the moment you start the conversation. If you suppose they’ll decline to buy your product, start thinking of an alternative, you can recommend to them. They’ll like Peradventure, and you’ll have made a sale altogether.


Selling a product calls for up-to-scratch negotiation skills. Such convincing power persuades a customer to commit their hard-earned money. The good thing is that you can improve your negotiation skills through training on the best practices and practicing diligently. Ultimately, you’ll master converting leads into customers and make your business profitable.

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