If you want to become a Certified Public Accountant, you’re going to have to pass the CPA exam first. And it is not easy to pass the CPA exam, especially when you’re taking it for the first time.

Only about 50% of those who take CPA exams pass on their first crack at it. This makes the CPA exam pass rate very low for first-timers and emphasizes just how important it’ll be for you to prepare yourself for the CPA exam accordingly.

If you want to pass the CPA exam on your first try, it’ll be imperative that you take the right approach to it. Otherwise, you might end up wasting a bunch of time and have to take the CPA exam again later on to boot.

Check out some tips that should help to put you in a position to pass the CPA exam below and then set out to use them to your advantage.

Start by Signing Up for the CPA Exam as Soon as You Can

There are some people who dread taking the CPA exam and put it off for as long as they can as a result. You should not do this if you can avoid it.

Instead, you should sign up for the CPA exam as soon as you can. You might even be able to find a CPA exam schedule that will allow you to take it while you’re still in college.

If you’re still in school when you take the CPA exam, a lot of the information that you’ll need to know for it will still be fresh in your brain. It’s why it makes so much sense to sign up for the exam then.

Look for a CPA Exam Review Course That You Like

Once you’re signed up for the CPA exam and know when it is, you should look around at the different CPA exam review courses that exist. There are tons of them out there for you to choose from.

Each individual CPA exam review course will take a slightly different approach to study for the exam. You should decide which one is going to fit your learning style best and enlist yourself in it.

Make Sure You’re Prepared to Set Aside Plenty of Time to Study for the CPA Exam

There are four main parts that make up the 16-hour CPA exam. They are:

  • Auditing and Attestation
  • Business Environment and Concepts
  • Financial Accounting and Reporting
  • Regulation

Generally speaking, most experts say that you’re going to need to spend about 100 hours studying for each section. It should work out to be between 300 and 400 hours in total since there might be one section that you know like the back of your hand and others that may require a little bit more studying than usual.

You need to make sure you’re mentally prepared for all this studying. It’s not something you’re going to be able to take lightly.

Find a CPA Exam Study Group That You Can Join

You’re going to want to spend the bulk of your study time going over your CPA exam materials on your own. That’s how you’re going to retain most of the information that you’ll need to pass the CPA exam.

But you should link up with others who are taking the CPA exam every so often to study with them. It’ll switch things up for you and give you an opportunity to show off what you know.

It’ll also shine a light on some of your weaknesses and indicate what you need to work on studying more as you move forward.

Create the Right Environment for Studying for the CPA Exam

Regardless of whether you’re studying for the CPA exam on your own or with a study group, it’ll be important that you set the right stage for your study sessions. You should hold them in a quiet room where you’ll be able to concentrate.

You should not try studying for the CPA exam in a noisy frat house or in some other place where you’re going to struggle to find peace and quiet. You’ll be asking for trouble if you do.

Try Not to Overdo It When It Comes to Studying for the CPA Exam

As we’ve tried to emphasize a few times now, you need to be dedicated to studying for the CPA exam if you’re planning on passing it the first time. But at the same time, you shouldn’t go so far over the top that you literally start to lose your mind while cramming your brain with information.

It’s a good idea for those who are studying for the CPA exam to continue to get enough exercise and maintain a healthy diet. It’ll also be a good idea for you to find some ways to have fun. You’ll be able to make the most of your studying for the CPA exam by striking the right balance.

Stay Motivated by Keeping a Close Eye on the Jobs You Can Get as a CPA

There will inevitably be times when you’ll want to put all your CPA exam study materials away and quit. You’ll feel like there is simply no way that you can pass the CPA exam on the tenth time, let alone the first time.

To maintain your motivation, you should sneak a peek at some of the jobs that you’ll be eligible for once you pass the CPA exam. You can do it by visiting www.taxfyle.com/cpa-jobs. They should give you the strength that you’ll need to keep going when times get tough. Learn tips to stay motivated and minimize job search depression.

Begin Cramming for the CPA Exam Today

After you pass one section of the CPA exam, you’ll only have 18 months to pass the other three. So what are you waiting for? You should get out there and start studying for your first CPA exam now.

As long as you use the tips found here, you should be able to get your CPA exam studying off to a great start. It won’t be long before you’re sitting down for the CPA exam and passing it with flying colors.

Learn more about the CPA exam and the CPA exam requirements by reading through the other articles found on our blog.

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